
Médiathèque d'Yssingeaux

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[Le ]Grand bleu

Auteur(s)Serra, Eric (Acteur/exécutant)

Titre(s)[Le ]Grand bleu [CD] : vol.1 et 2 : B.O.F. / Eric Serra.

Editeur(s)[inconnu], 1988.

Contient[The]Big blue ouverture. - Deep blue dream. - Sailing to death. - Rescue in a Wreck. - [La]Raya. - Huacracocha. - Water works. - Between the sky-scrappers. - Remembering a heart beat. - Spaghetti del mare. - Let them try. - Synchronised instant. - Homo Delphinus. - [The]Monastery of Amorgos. - Much better down there. - Cruise of the dolphin tribe. - Second dive. - Leaving the world behind. - My lady blue. - Let them try. - A walk in Taormina. - Watergames. - Fatal dive. - Platform. - Leaving Peru. - Virgin Island. - Strange feelings. - Sicilia. - Such a family. - [The]Third dive. - Do you like this place?. - For Enzo. - Leaving the world behind.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)


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