
Médiathèque d'Yssingeaux

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The very best of

Auteur(s)Gaye, Marvin (1939-1984)

Titre(s)The very best of / Marvin Gaye.

Editeur(s)Motown record company, P 1994.

ContientI heard it through the grapevine. - What's going on. - (sexual) Healing. - You are everything (with Diana Ross). - It takes two (with Kim Weston). - Let's get it on. - Abraham, Martin and John. - Too busy thinking about my baby. - How sweet it is (to be loved you). - Mercy Mercy me (the ecology). - Stop, look, listen (to your heart) (with Diana Ross). - You're all I need to get by (with Tammi Terrel). - Ain't nothing like the real thing (with Tammi Terrel). - Wherever I lay my hat (that's my home). - The onion song (with Tammi Terrel). - You ain't livin' till youre lovin' (with Tammi Terrel). - Good lovin' ain't easy to come by (With Tami Tarrel). - That's the way love is. - Got to give it up. - When did you stop loving me, when did I stop loving you. - Can I get a witness. - Lucky lucky me.

Sujet(s)Soul & rhythm'n blues & funk : Disques compacts


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