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The complete 1944-1947

Auteur(s)Vaughan, Sarah (Interprête)

Titre(s)The complete 1944-1947 / Sarah Vaughan.

Editeur(s)Arles : Le Chant Du Monde, P. 2011.

Collection(s)(Precious & Rare).

ContientI'll wait and pray. - Signing off. - Interlude. - No smoke. - East of the sun. - Lover man oh, where can you be. - What more can a woman do ?. - I'd rather have a memory than a dream. - Mean to me. - Time and again. - I'm scared. - You go to my head. - I could make you love me. - It might as well be spring. - All too soon. - We're through. - A hundred years from today. - If you could see me now. - I could make you love me. - You're not the kind. - My kinda love. - You're blasé. - I've got a crush on you. - I'm through with love. - Everything i have is yours. - Body and soul. - Penthouse serenade. - Don't worry 'bout me. - Time after time. - September song. - I cover the waterfront. - I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you. - Tenderly. - Don't blame me. - The lord's prayer. - Sometimes i feel like a motherless child. - I can't get started. - Trouble is a man. - Love or leave me. - I'll wait and pray. - I get a kick out of you.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal


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